Image of Front Door of St. Gregory's Church

Good Bye From Fr. John

已發佈 : Oct-15-2023

Dear brother Priests and beloved Friends,

Just a little word by attachment to say thanks and "Fare thee well", now
that I have been able to connect with another internet service provider
here in Montreal. May each and everyone who receives this be blessed by
God, and may the Autumn and Winter weathers treat you kindly.

Keep safe, everyone!

Fr John

Dear Father,

I am sending you a brief resume of my work in the last seven years in the parishes of Scarborough and Durham, for your information and that of your parishioners.

Since 2016, on my return from burying my mother’s ashes in her/our home country, Trinidad, the Superiors of my missionary Society have allowed me to stay on my own and ‘help out’ in the parishes of Durham and Scarborough, when needed. This possibility was given the green light by the Archdiocese of Toronto, as a return to my missionary work in Africa at my 79 years was no doubt considered to be imprudent, for several reasons.

From 2016 to 2023 I have had the immense privilege of sharing in the lives of the parishes, getting to know and appreciate their parishioners. Omitting the Sacrament of Order, I have been able to use all the other six Sacraments for the benefit of the Parish Priests and their flocks, visiting homes or hospitals or Retirement Home on occasion, as well as the Funeral Homes and cemeteries. To the 6 parishes I visited in Scarborough I add the 13 of the Durham region, each being a little world in itself, with its joys, its problems, its little battles and huge victories. Miniature Catholic Churches, in effect, in which the Knights of Columbus, the ladies’ Guild or League, the Legion of Mary, the St Vincent de Paul Society, each played its invaluable part in living the Catholic message and proclaiming Christ in one way or another.

All of these duties in which I was involved proved to be very different from my African experiences, but they have certainly enlarged my understanding of the Priesthood and the admirable efforts of the Parish Priests, to whom I offer my unstinted praise.

For the last month or so I have been announcing that I will now be leaving Ontario, and going to settle in Montreal, Quebec, a decision decided by my Superiors and myself. This of course would mean leaving parishes and parishioners, most with whom I have become firm friends.

Goodbyes are always a bit sad, and to allay this in the afternoon of the 24th September Mrs Nina Veltri and her family gave a “Goodbye Reception” for yours truly in the Hall of their Harmony Creek Golf Club. Invitations to all parishes were sent out, and about 100 people, accompanied by three Fathers, came to say “Goodbye”.

It was a bitter-sweet occasion, but joy was present and evident. Tearful moments there were, many came for a hug, or other simple ‘Thank you’ gesture. Some offered Masses, others with Timmy’s or Chapters cards, some with cheque offerings. I was overwhelmed by all this, and can only humbly thank the Veltri family for their generosity and goodwill towards myself and all who were present, who regaled themselves with the coffee and cakes provided, accompanied by music and good healthy chatter and laughter.

I have tried to contact and thank all who attended the Reception, but as phone numbers and addresses of many are unknown, I ask you, dear brother in Jesus, to publicly thank in your homily or in the Parish Bulletin all those who were good enough to come. Leaving these regions is indeed hard, but the joy of working here and receiving the parish stipends – for which I gratefully thank the Parish-Priests - have permitted my upkeep and travel requirements.

I will ever be grateful for having met and enjoyed the company – including the Pastas, Coffees and Birianis! – of the wonderful folk who have welcomed a total stranger into their lives and Parishes. May God bless you all, my people, and may the Virgin Mother guide you. We may never meet again, but be assured that you will ever be in my prayers and at Holy Mass.

Many thanks, dear Father, for having accepted my request to thank everyone on my behalf.

Yours faithfully in Jesus,

Fr John Boos MAfr